Unfortunately, blocking alone results in a race to the bottom where nobody wins. With the ad-tech ecosystem out of control, users have revolted and blocking ads has become the new weapon of choice for improving their browsing speed, safety and privacy. PRIVACY PROTECTIONBrave also protects users with leading privacy and security features such as HTTPS Everywhere (encrypted data traffic), script blocking, 3rd party cookie blocking, and private incognito tabs.Brave for Android has the following features:* Built-in AdBlock* Blocks pop-ups* Battery optimization* Data optimization* Tracking Protection* Https Everywhere (for security)* Script Blocking* 3rd party cookie blocking* Bookmarks * History* Private tabs* Recent tabsHow to get started? Easy! Just click on the lion head and discover Brave Shields, which have per-site settings so you can decide which sites to block.About BraveWe have a mission to save the web by increasing browsing speed and safety for users, while growing ad revenue share for content creators.

Brave shows a 2x to 4x speed increase on Android, so you will see a direct reduction in both battery and data plan consumption. BATTERY & DATA OPTIMIZATIONBrave reduces page loading time, improves performance, and guards from ads infected with malware. Brave is designed for both speed and security, so you can enjoy lightning fast browsing without popups, malware and other annoyances.

FAST & SECURENo external plugins or settings to manage or configure! Brave simply provides the fastest and most secure browsing experience available for Android. Brave Web Browser is a fast, free, secure web browser for Android with a built-in AdBlock, tracking and security protection, and optimized data and battery experience.ADBLOCKBrave is designed with a built-in adblocker to provide an ad-free and seamless browsing experience.